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Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This Saturday is the Peace Corps Volunteers (PCV), Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) and Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund Overseas Volunteer (TOV) that myself along with two other volunteers have been planning for months! I am looking forward to the conference because it should be a lot of fun! I'm nervous though because it's something that I've helped plan. Planning this conference comes under my VAC (volunteer advisory council) duties. It's been really fun getting to know Grace and Chika (the two volunteers I've worked with on this) better, planning, and getting to see it come to reality!
I'm sure the volunteers have gotten tired of my many emails this past month! From emails about the conference, to our MST video that I needed pictures for, to the Project Plan review that I also needed pictures for, they're going to be greatful when this month is over!
I also got to go with Luthur to get shots for the visa process. He doesn't have a shot record and last week when the school nurses were in giving the 2nd Hep B shot to the grade 6 students, they were telling them to get the 3rd one in December and I realized that we needed to start his shot process started ASAP! I don't want him to get turned down because he doesn't have his shots :). He had to get 5 shots and some drops. In a couple weeks he has to go back and could get up to 6 more shots (right now I'm checking at a hospital to see what shots they have, if they have them all, he's getting 6)!
For those of you who want to know about the visa process, we're in the waiting stage. We probably won't hear anything about the first step until about September. Thankfully the PC application process taught me all about waiting!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Luther is a brave one with all those shots! :) I hope the conference went well. And hang in there as you guys wait, wait, and wait more with Visa stuff. Hope you're well! :)
