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Saturday, February 5, 2011

PST and more

Everyone left for thier islands this morning. We finished phase 1 of PST (pre service training) yesterday. I move in with my host family today! They should be here in a couple of hours to take me home! I am super excited about it! I can't wait to meet them! For any of you that are curious the best address to reach me at is the Peace Corps office in Castries. That address is:
Sara Faison
US Peace Corps
Gablewoods Mall
Sunny Acres
PO Box 123
Castries, St. Lucia
I do like mail :) Mom is doing an experiment to see how long it will take to get to me. So far we're at a week and counting! I can't believe that I've been here for a week already!


  1. Good luck on the host family, I hope things are going well. What language do they speak where you are going?

  2. Yahooooo!! I found your blog, glad you are settling in there. Post some pictures please. I know you have lots of spare time, it is not like you are learning a foreign language or anything.

  3. Thanks! I'm learning Creole, or as called here Kweyol or Patwa. We had a lesson yesterday and it's overwhelming! Thankfully I have a host cousin who likes to quiz me!
    Susan I posted some pictures on the next post! It's beautiful here.

  4. Great minds Sara, thanks for the awesome pictures. It is seriously!!
